Welcome to the blog of Agg Amaias Esed. Esed is our first purebred azawakh.
He comes from the Agg Amaias kennel in Germany. After waiting for more than two years, until his breeder Christiane Thier-Rostaing decided to have a next litter with the beautiful Tigidit Essamet and Tombouktou’s Qutaybah, our dream became true. Thanks to Christiane Thier-Rostaing for trusting us with this wonderful boy.
Esed lives with us in Deurne, near Antwerp (Belgium), with our other sighthound Zino, a 9 year old cross galgo-sighthound. He accepted Esed and likes to play with him. For the moment Zino still has the advantage of being bigger, stronger and faster, but Esed is doing his best to keep up with Zino.